Meeting #:

First Nations Land Acknowledgement

Mayor Barton called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

Josh Machesney, Deputy Clerk announced that there was an Addendum consisting of an additional delegation and a report.

Councillor Popp acknowledged the Fantasy of Lights Event in Elgin Park explained that it is now open to the public.

Councillor Popp announced that the newly renovated McDonald's location will be holding their grand re-opening on Friday, December 13th, 2019.

Councillor Popp expressed well wishes for Councillor Ruona and explained that he will not be in attendance for the Council meeting as he is recovering from recent surgery.

Councillor Popp acknowledged that this was the last and final Council meeting for Ingrid Svelnis, CAO.  Councillor Popp expressed his sincere gratitude and conveyed how much Ingrid will be missed.

Councillor Highet announced that he had been around the downtwon area recently and expressed how busy it had been with Christmas shoppers.

Councillor Highet acknowledged the opening of the Fantasy of Lights in Elgin Park that commenced on Saturday December 7th and runs through until January 4th, 2020.

Councillor Highet acknowledged the York-Durham Heritage Railway Christmas Train Event "The Polar Express" and encouraged residents to attend.

Councillor Beach announced that the Goodwood Breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus held at Goodwood Hall on Saturday December 7th, 2019 was very well attended.

Councillor Beach announced that she attended the ribbon cutting and grand opening for 'Step It Forward Physiotherapy' on Saturday, December 7th, 2019.  

Councillor Beach encouraged residents and the community to continue to attend the Polar Express Train hosted by the York-Durham Heritage Railway.  Councillor Beach explained how proud she is to be part of such an amazing event in the Uxbridge community.

Councillor Beach acknowledged the Fantasy of Lights that began this past weekend on Saturday, December 7th, 2019 and encouraged everyone to attend.

Councillor Snooks acknowledged the many Durham Region employees attending the Council meeting to provide updates on various Region initiatives and thanked all of them for attending.

Councillor Snooks acknowledged the BIA Bucks event and encouraged residents and the public to shop locally for a chance to be entered in the draws to win prizes.

Councillor Snooks acknowledged attending the ribbon cutting for the grand opening of 'Step it Forward' Physiotherapy and explained that it was well attended and welcomed the new business to Town.

Councillor Snooks announced that the Living Nativity event in Centennial Park will start this weekend and runs from December 13th, 2019 to December 15th, 2019 in the evening.


Councillor Garrod announced that he attended the Castool major expansion grand opening held on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019 and expressed how well attended the event was.

Councillor Garrod reminded everyone that Uxbridge Township is an Age-Friendly Community and that we now have this displayed on the digital sign near Walmart as you drive into uxbridge from Highway 47.  

Councillor Garrod announced that "budget season" has begun and that the Township of Uxbridge will host the first two meetings this week on December 10th and December 12th, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. 

Mayor Barton mentioned the success of the Christmas Polar Express Train and encouraged everyone to attend.

Mayor Barton reminded everyone of the Fantasy of Lights Event starting on Saturday, December 7th, 2019 that takes place annually in Elgin Park.

Mayor Barton expressed his well wishes to Gary Ruona and hoped for a speedy recovery.

Mayor Barton announced that there will be a Christmas Celebration held at the Train Station to raise money for the Uxbridge Cottage Hospital Foundation.   Mayor Barton explained that due to the construction taking place at the the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Event will be taking place at the Train Station.  Mayor Barton encouraged everyone to come out and see the fireworks and see the Christmas Tree lighting ceremony.

Mayor Barton expressed his thoughts to the owners of Brooks Farms after the recent fire at their location.  Mayor Barton encouraged the community to support the family during this difficult time.

Mayor Barton announced that Take Root Creative had prepared a short video of the recent "Hallows Express" Harry Potter Train event held at the Uxbridge Train Station.  Mayor Barton encouraged everyone to watch the video and stated that it was very well done.

There were no presentations.


Regional Chair and CEO Mr. John Henry introduced himself and explained that he was in attendance to provide an update to Council on the key initiatives that are ongoing or upcoming.

Regional Chair Henry explained that the Region is in the process of renewing the Durham Region Strategic Plan for 2020 to 2024.  Mr. Henry conveyed that the Region of Durham this past year had consulted the public through online survey, pop-up events, stakeholder sessions and Town Hall meetings.  Mr. Henry stated that the new Strategic Plan should be ready in the New Year.

Mr. Henry added that another major project underway at the Region is the comprehensive review of the Region's Official Land Use Plan.  Mr. Henry mentioned that the public is able to view discussion papers on specific topics relating to the Land Use Plan implementation and explained that public input is welcomed in order to help provide input to share the vision on how the community should look and function in the future.  Mr. Henry conveyed that the objective was to have the review complete by 2020.

Mr. Henry touched on Transit demand and how high the growth has been all across Durham Region.  Mr. Henry added that the goal is to continue to reinforce with the Province the critical importance of the northern route for Durham.  Mr. Henry also mentioned that as part of the Rural Transit Review, drop-in sessions were held in the fall and the Region is now meeting with stakeholder groups to examine service time-points to improve connectivity to key destinations like Go-transit locations and post secondary campuses.  Mr. Henry noted that the Region has applied for Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) funding to improve the Durham Region Transit system.

Mr. Henry communicated how important Road Safety is and how the Region continues to improve on keeping the roads safe for the residents across Durham.  He explained last spring, Durham Region launched "Vision Zero", an initiative to reduce road fatalities and injuries by 10 percent over five years.  Mr. Henry hopes that municipalities, police and drivers will all play a critical role in reducing collisions.  As part of the ongoing initiative, red light cameras and speed automated enforcement have been placed in locations all across Durham.  Included in Road Safety he said, is the initiative to invest in Durham Region and build on the major capital projects such as sanitary sewers, water supply, roads, transit and paramedic services.  He clarified that these key opportunities will help update the infrastructures and improve road safety and resilience to climate change.

Mr. Henry outlined that another major focus is on the Durham Community Climate Adaptation Plan explaining that the Plan will help in providing a blueprint for assessing the climate risk for Regional and local tier infrastructure.  Efforts such as tree planting to the sizing of bridge spans to prevent flooding will be included in this plan he explained.  The other plan that the Region recently adopted was the Durham Community Energy Plan, this plan includes 6 programs to place residents in the community on a low carbon pathway and to transform the economy.  Mr. Henry expressed that the Region is currently investigating FCM funding to help with implementing a household retrofit program across Durham Region to help residents reduce emissions and save on heating costs.

Mr. Henry articulated how important health care is for the residents of the Region stating that the Region piloted a Primary Care Outreach Program last year.  He explained that with partnerships of social workers and paramedics the program was able to take services to vulnerable populations, specifically those struggling with addictions.  The success of this Region wide program allowed it to become permanent last year.

Mr. Henry concluded with emphasizing on how important Durham Region residents are and that he will continue to strive to find ways to improve on all of the major projects and initiatives to make Durham Region municipalities the best they can be.


IAN MCVEY, MANAGER OF SUSTAINABILITY, REGION OF DURHAM  re Update on Durham Region Climate Change and Initiatives (LEAF Program)

Mr. Ian Mcvey, Manager of Sustainability at the Region of Durham introduced himself and with the help of a power point presentation explained that he was in attendance to provide Council with an update on Durham Region Climate Change specifically the LEAF Program initiative.

Mr. McVey provided an overview of the key steps on how the Region continues to work with partners and stakeholders to develop plans for climate change initiatives.  Mr. McVey outlined the three plans that they had completed, the From Vision to Action, Towards Resilience (Durham Community Climate Adaptation Plan) and the Durham  Community Energy Plan.  Mr. McVey explained that all of the plans are partnership driven with collaborative efforts with area municipalities, local conservation authorities, post-secondary institutions, and school boards to ensure cohesiveness and to better align corporate and community wide action.  Mr. McVey stated that they are always finding ways to turn these plans into programs to deliver these efforts to Durham Region residents.

Mr. McVey expressed that he was in attendance to speak specifically to the Tree Planting initiatives and outline the LEAF Program that is already in place in some areas across Durham Region.     

Mr. McVey explained that the Tree Planting program offers a turn-key solution to make it easy for homeowners to participate and feel like they are doing something on a local level to help with Climate Change efforts.  Mr. McVey conveyed that the full service program, which could be as early as a spring 2020 launch, costs are $150 to $220 dollars and provides the homeowner with a 30 minute arborist consultation, 5-8 foot tall native tree, and full planting and care guidance, including follow-up support.

Mr. McVey also expressed that the LEAF Program is a Not for Profit organization and seeks private and corporate sponsorship to help facilitate the program.  Mr. McVey stated that the request for a contribution from the Township of Uxbridge would be $3,000 for 2020 and would help the residents of Uxbridge get involved in the efforts in their own backyards.

Mr. McVey concluded by thanking Council for their continued efforts to combat Climate Change in the Region and hoped that Uxbridge would come on board with the implementation of the LEAF Program in Uxbridge Township.


Mr. Don Beaton, Commissioner of Corporate Services for the Region of Durham introduced himself and his colleague Ms. Louise O'Dell, Director of Human Resources for the Region of Durham and with the help of a power point presentation and short video, explained that they were both in attendance to provide an overview of a new initiative implemented by the Corporate Services Department that helps bring civility and respect in the workplace.  Mr. Beaton articulated that this program was launched at the Region in November of 2019 and provides all Regional staff with an e-learning module based on Regional Policies that is mandatory for staff to participate in. Mr. Beaton expressed the importance of the program stating that it is designed to create an environment that supports employees to be respectful and considerate in their interactions with one another, customers, clients and the public.   He further explained that civility and respect are based on demonstrating esteem, care and consideration for others and acknowledging their dignity.  

Mr. Beaton conveyed how important the program is and having this in place at the Region enforces and builds on a healthy workplace and environment by protecting and enhancing individual psychological safety, augmenting personal health practices and helps with the employees being committed to demonstrating respectful and professional behaviours.  Mr. Beaton expressed that if this is missing in the workplace it can lead to emotional exhaustion, an increase in health problems such as anxiety, aggression, stress and feeling burnt out.  He further stated that it can cause greater conflict at work, job withdrawal and would inhibit teamwork and wear down trust.

Mr. Beaton turned the floor over to his colleague and Ms. O'Dell who provided information on how the onus to ensure a respectful work environment relies on the employee taking active, conscious steps by contributing positively at work, by being perceptive of personal responsibility, respecting other people's comfort zones, displaying a positive attitude, not gossiping in the workplace and demonstrating professionalism at all times.  Ms. O'Dell also mentioned that by exuding this behaviour it allows the environment to be enjoyable at all levels and promotes inclusiveness.

Mr. Beaton concluded by thanking Council for allowing them to introduce the module on Civility and Respect in the workplace and welcomed the Township of Uxbridge to take the same approach.  Mr. Beaton explained that the Region of Durham would be happy to provide the video, e-learning module and any policies or procedures that would help facilitate the same initiative for the Township of Uxbridge Staff.

KARINA BOGARDTS AND DIANE PETER, YMCA re Request to use the Zephyr Hall and Goodwood Hall for Early Years Programming at no charge

Ms. Karina Bogardts introduced herself and her colleague Ms. Diane Peter and explained that they were in attendance to ask for rent free space at the Goodwood Hall and Zephyr Hall to host EarlyON programs and provide resources for parents and their young children out of each location.  Ms. Bogardts expressed that the programs they have to offer would help families and children get ready for kindergarten.  Ms. Bogardts explained that there is a growing demand for childcare in the area and felt that this would be a welcomed addition to the two locations for families in the area and would continue to build partnerships within Uxbridge Township.  Ms. Bogardts further clarified that these programs put on by the EarlyON centres are all funded by the Region.  Ms. Bogardts stated that the intent was to host a once a month program at the Zephyr Hall and two times a month at the Goodwood Hall location, both locations would hold the programs from a 1-2 p.m. time-slot.  Ms. Bogardts concluded by thanking council for their time and consideration for space at the locations and that if approved, she hoped they would start the programs at each location in January or February, providing the space was available. 

Council explained that staff is currently drafting a policy on discounted and free facility use and would consider the request once the policy is in place.

JASON FEDDEMA, SLABTOWN CIDER re Slabtown Cider Regional Development Charges

Mr. Jason Feddema introduced himself and explained that he is the owner of Slab Town Cider located at 4559 Concession Road 6, Uxbridge and was in attendance to ask Council for consideration for the payment of Township Development Charges.  Mr. Feddema explained to Council that he had attended the Region of Durham recently and was given consideration on the payment of Regional Development Charges and was hopeful that Uxbridge Council would grant the same approval.  Mr. Feddema stated that he has been classified as an institutional level due to his cider location offering culinary courses through Durham College.

Mr. Brian Pigozzo, Chief Building Official spoke to the Development Charges stating that the current Development Charges By-law would allow credits only if the building was demolished and had commercial value.  Mr. Pigozzo explained that the current Development Charges By-law does not address institutional buildings, which would not allow the credit of development charges in this case.  Mr. Pigozzo further explained that the current By-law would not allow Council to reduce the development charge fees.  

Council Recessed at 11:34 a.m. and reconvened at 11:41 a.m.

  • Moved byCouncillor Highet
    Seconded byCouncillor Popp

    THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge direct Brian Pigozzo, Chief Building Official and Donna Condon, Treasurer to investigate options for deferring the Township Development Charge Payment.


re Request for exemption from the Township of Uxbridge Noise By-law from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on December 11th, 2019, the placing of garbage can receptacles at Railway Street, and the closure of Railway Street on Tuesday, December 10th in the morning to facilitate set-up for the Christmas Celebration event to be held at the York-Durham Heritage Railway on Wednesday December 11th, 2019. 

  • Councillor Beach declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Beach and her husband are working for the York-Durham Hertiage Railway as the Claus's this year. Councillor Beach did not participate in the discussion or vote on the matter. )
  • Moved byCouncillor Popp
    Seconded byCouncillor Snooks

    THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge waive the Rules of Procedure to allow Caitlin Christoff Taillon to speak to the matter.

  • Moved byCouncillor Popp
    Seconded byCouncillor Snooks

    THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge support the request from John Perks, York-Durham Heritage Railway for the exemption to the Township of Uxbridge Noise By-law from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on December 11th, 2019;

    AND THAT the Parks and Recreation Department place garbage can receptacles at Railway Street prior to the December 11th, 2019 Christmas Celebration event;

    AND THAT the road be closed on Railway Street (from Ash Street to Albert Street) for the Christmas Celebration event to be held from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 11th, 2019;

    AND THAT Metrolinks/Go Transit be advised of the Railway Street Road closure.


re Request to retain tent frames erected for the entire winter season and to discuss the extension of the temporary structures at the York-Durham Heritage Railway location

  • Councillor Beach declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Beach and her husband are working for the York-Durham Heritage Railway as the Claus's this year.  Councillor Beach did not participate in the discussion or vote on the matter. )
  • Moved byCouncillor Popp
    Seconded byCouncillor Snooks

    THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge support the request from John Perks, York-Durham Heritage Railway to continue to retain the tent frames erected for the duration of the winter season and to approve the extension of the temporary structures at the York-Durham Heritage Railway location.


re Cash-in-lieu proposal

  • Moved byCouncillor Snooks
    Seconded byCouncillor Popp

    THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge waive the Rules of Procedure to allow Jennifer Haslett from Brookfield Residential (Ontario) Limited to speak to the matter.

  • Moved byCouncillor Snooks
    Seconded byCouncillor Popp

    THAT Report CAO-20/19 be received for information;

    AND THAT Council support the recommendation from the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and CAO to proceed with the proposal from Brookfield Residential as it relates to the Cash-in-lieu contribution.

  • Moved byCouncillor Snooks
    Seconded byCouncillor Beach

    THAT the Council of The Township of Uxbridge approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council of November 25, 2019.



re Excess Soil Regulation and Amendments to Record of Site Condition (Brownfields) Regulation

  • Moved byCouncillor Beach
    Seconded byCouncillor Garrod

    THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge receive correspondence from Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) regarding Excess Soil Regulation and Amendments to Record of Site Condition (Brownfields) Regulation for information;

    AND THAT the matter be referred to the Fill Committee for consideration.


re Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) Upgrades and Phosphorus Reduction Action Plan Implementation - Invitation for Membership on Duffin Creek WPCP Advisory Committee

  • Moved byCouncillor Garrod
    Seconded byCouncillor Snooks

    THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge receive correspondence from the Region of Durham and Region of York regarding the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) Upgrades and Phosphorus Reduction Action Plan Implementation for information; 

    AND THAT the matter be referred to staff to provide a recommendation on an appointment to the Duffin Creek WPCP Advisory Committee.


re Notice of Motion - Opioid Overdose Emergency

  • Moved byCouncillor Highet
    Seconded byCouncillor Beach

    THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge support the Region of Durham's, Motion regarding Opioid Overdose Emergency.


re Advancing Rapid Transit Implementation and Transit Oriented Development in Durham Region (2019-COW-26)

  • Moved byCouncillor Highet
    Seconded byCouncillor Beach

    THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge support the Region of Durham's recommendations regarding the Advancing Rapid Transit Implementation and Transit Oriented Development in Durham Region (2019-COW-26).


re Gas Tax Funds

  • Moved byCouncillor Garrod
    Seconded byCouncillor Beach

    THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge receive correspondence from the Town of Whitby regarding Gas Tax Funds for information;

    AND THAT the matter be referred to Josh Machesney, Deputy Clerk and Lukas Gilham, Operations and Capital Projects Technologist for further investigation.


re Regional Heritage Property Tax Rebate

  • Moved byCouncillor Beach
    Seconded byCouncillor Garrod

    THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge receive correspondence from the Town of Whitby regarding Regional Heritage Property Tax Rebates for information;

    AND THAT the matter be referred to the Heritage Committee for further investigation; 

    AND THAT the Heritage Committee return to Council with a recommendation.


  • Moved byCouncillor Popp
    Seconded byCouncillor Snooks

    THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge endorse the Minutes of the December 2, 2019 Regular Meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee.



re Uxbridge Industrial Phase 2 Subdivision – Letter of Credit Reduction.

  • Moved byCouncillor Popp
    Seconded byCouncillor Beach

    THAT Report TR-35/19 be received for information;

    AND THAT Council approve the reduction of the letter of credit held on this site by $465,542 to a balance held of $65,873 by the Township on behalf of the Uxbridge Industrial Phase 2 Subdivision.


re Plank Properties Inc. (29 Anderson Boulevard) – Release of Cash Deposit

  • Moved byCouncillor Garrod
    Seconded byCouncillor Beach

    THAT Report TR-36/19 be received for information;

    AND THAT Council approve the release of the $30,000 cash deposit held on this site to a nil balance held by the Township on behalf of the Plank Properties Inc.


re Proposed Street Names for Evendale Developments – Brock Street East (North side of Brock Street)

  • Moved byCouncillor Garrod
    Seconded byCouncillor Snooks

    THAT Report DB-02/19 be received for information;

    AND THAT that the names Per Hvidsten, George Ballinger and Alan Williams be selected for the three streets in the Evendale Development on Brock Street East (north side);

    AND THAT the names be forwarded to the Region for final approval;

    AND THAT Councillor Garrod be directed to meet with Legion officials to review the list of names for future streets within the Township of Uxbridge.


re By-law Third Quarter Report 2019

  • Moved byCouncillor Highet
    Seconded byCouncillor Popp

    THAT Report BL-09/19 be received for information.


re 2019 Third Quarter Animal Control Report

  • Moved byCouncillor Popp
    Seconded byCouncillor Snooks

    THAT Report AC-04/19 be received for information.


re Uxbridge Honour Our Veterans Banner Program

  • Moved byCouncillor Popp
    Seconded byCouncillor Snooks

    THAT Report BG-05/19 be received for information.



  • Moved byCouncillor Popp
    Seconded byCouncillor Highet

    THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law Nos. 2019-167 to 2019-169 and
    2019-171 to 2019 to 2019-183 same be read a first and second time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Popp
    Seconded byCouncillor Highet

    THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 2019-170 and the same be read a first and second time


Being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of the sum of $3,000,000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year 2020

Being a by-law to provide for Interim Tax Levies for the year 2020 for the Township of Uxbridge

Being a by-law to authorize entering into a Planning Fees Agreement with Brookfield Residential (Ontario) Limited with respect to lands legally described as Part Lot 27, Concession 7, Township of Uxbridge, Region of Durham

Being a by-law to authorize entering into a Planning Fees Agreement with Mill Run Golf Club with respect to lands legally described as Part Lot 27, Concession 2, Township of Uxbridge, Region of Durham

  • Councillor Beach declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Beach and her husband own shares.)

Being a by-law to appoint Township Officials and Various Members to Boards and Committees for the 2018-2022 Term of Council

Being a by-law to appoint Alyson Therien as an Animal Control Officer with the Township of Uxbridge

Being a by-law to enter into an Employment Agreement with Kristi Honey and to appoint Kristi Honey as the Chief Administrative Officer for The Corporation of the Township of Uxbridge

Being a by-law passed pursuant to the Provisions of Sections 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, to amend Zoning By-law No. 81-19, as amended, of The Corporation of the Township of Uxbridge, with respect to certain lands located in Part of Lot 16, Concession 6, municipally known as 668 Goodwood Road, in the Township of Uxbridge, in the Regional Municipality of Durham. (Shoemaker)

Being a by-law to appoint Suppression Officers to the Township of Uxbridge Fire Department

Being a by-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with Steve King Property Services with respect to the provision of Grass Cutting Services in the Township of Uxbridge for the 2020/2021 season

Being a by-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with Traz Landscaping with respect to the provision of Grass Cutting Services in the Township of Uxbridge for the 2020/2021 season

Being a by-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with Forest Ridge Landscaping with respect to the provision of Grass Cutting Services in the Township of Uxbridge for the 2020/2021 season

Being a by-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with Lawnscape with respect to the provision of Grass Cutting Services in the Township of Uxbridge for the 2020/2021 season

Being a by-law to adopt the Township of Uxbridge Councillor Expense Policy

Being a by-law to authorize entering into a Development Agreement with John Low with respect to lands legally described as Part of Lot 24, Concession 7, municipally known as 12699 Regional Road 1, Uxbridge

Being a by-law to authorize entering into an Amending Patio Agreement with 2240627 Ontario Inc. and 2238563 Ontario Inc. operating as Wixan's Bridge

Being a by-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with Maple Brook Homes Ltd. with respect to lands legally described as Block 5 on Plan 40M-2638, subject to an easement as in DR1693470, subject to an easement as in DR1702577 and subject to an easement in gross over Block 5 on Plan 40M-2639 until 2038/11/20 as in DR1753668 and subject to an easement over Part 1 on Plan 40R-30335 in favour of Durham Common Elements Condominium Plan No. 310 as in DR1786257, in the Township of Uxbridge, Region of Durham (Moorefield Properties – David Sud)

  • Moved byCouncillor Popp
    Seconded byCouncillor Highet

    THAT By-law Nos. 2019-167 to 2019-169 and 2019-171 to 2019-183 to be now read a third time, finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk duly sign and seal same.

  • Moved byCouncillor Highet
    Seconded byCouncillor Popp

    THAT By-law No. 2019-170 be now read a third time, finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk duly sign and seal same.


There was no unfinished business.

There was no other business.

Council recessed at 12:35 p.m. and reconvened at 1:10 p.m.

  • Moved byCouncillor Beach
    Seconded byCouncillor Popp

    THAT, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, the Council of the Township of Uxbridge resolve into an ‘In Camera’ session at 1:10 p.m. to discuss the following matters:

  • Moved byCouncillor Beach
    Seconded byCouncillor Garrod

    THAT Council of the Township of Uxbridge rise from in-camera at 2:56 p.m. with no progress to report.


Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its Regular Meeting held on December 9, 2019.

  • Moved byCouncillor Popp
    Seconded byCouncillor Highet

    THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2019-184 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its regular Meeting of Council of December 9, 2019 and the same be read a first and
    second time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Highet
    Seconded byCouncillor Popp

    THAT By-law 2019-184 be now read a third time, finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk duly sign and seal same.


The meeting adjourned at 2:57 p.m. 

No Item Selected