Regional Chair and CEO Mr. John Henry introduced himself and explained that he was in attendance to provide an update to Council on the key initiatives that are ongoing or upcoming.
Regional Chair Henry explained that the Region is in the process of renewing the Durham Region Strategic Plan for 2020 to 2024. Mr. Henry conveyed that the Region of Durham this past year had consulted the public through online survey, pop-up events, stakeholder sessions and Town Hall meetings. Mr. Henry stated that the new Strategic Plan should be ready in the New Year.
Mr. Henry added that another major project underway at the Region is the comprehensive review of the Region's Official Land Use Plan. Mr. Henry mentioned that the public is able to view discussion papers on specific topics relating to the Land Use Plan implementation and explained that public input is welcomed in order to help provide input to share the vision on how the community should look and function in the future. Mr. Henry conveyed that the objective was to have the review complete by 2020.
Mr. Henry touched on Transit demand and how high the growth has been all across Durham Region. Mr. Henry added that the goal is to continue to reinforce with the Province the critical importance of the northern route for Durham. Mr. Henry also mentioned that as part of the Rural Transit Review, drop-in sessions were held in the fall and the Region is now meeting with stakeholder groups to examine service time-points to improve connectivity to key destinations like Go-transit locations and post secondary campuses. Mr. Henry noted that the Region has applied for Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) funding to improve the Durham Region Transit system.
Mr. Henry communicated how important Road Safety is and how the Region continues to improve on keeping the roads safe for the residents across Durham. He explained last spring, Durham Region launched "Vision Zero", an initiative to reduce road fatalities and injuries by 10 percent over five years. Mr. Henry hopes that municipalities, police and drivers will all play a critical role in reducing collisions. As part of the ongoing initiative, red light cameras and speed automated enforcement have been placed in locations all across Durham. Included in Road Safety he said, is the initiative to invest in Durham Region and build on the major capital projects such as sanitary sewers, water supply, roads, transit and paramedic services. He clarified that these key opportunities will help update the infrastructures and improve road safety and resilience to climate change.
Mr. Henry outlined that another major focus is on the Durham Community Climate Adaptation Plan explaining that the Plan will help in providing a blueprint for assessing the climate risk for Regional and local tier infrastructure. Efforts such as tree planting to the sizing of bridge spans to prevent flooding will be included in this plan he explained. The other plan that the Region recently adopted was the Durham Community Energy Plan, this plan includes 6 programs to place residents in the community on a low carbon pathway and to transform the economy. Mr. Henry expressed that the Region is currently investigating FCM funding to help with implementing a household retrofit program across Durham Region to help residents reduce emissions and save on heating costs.
Mr. Henry articulated how important health care is for the residents of the Region stating that the Region piloted a Primary Care Outreach Program last year. He explained that with partnerships of social workers and paramedics the program was able to take services to vulnerable populations, specifically those struggling with addictions. The success of this Region wide program allowed it to become permanent last year.
Mr. Henry concluded with emphasizing on how important Durham Region residents are and that he will continue to strive to find ways to improve on all of the major projects and initiatives to make Durham Region municipalities the best they can be.